Medway, She Wrote

  • And Now For Something Completely Different: 12 Favourite Podcasts to Celebrate International Podcast Day

    A set of black over-ear headphones on a pale white background, surrounded by multi-coloured confetti.

    “After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.”

    – Philip Pullman

    I remember the first podcast I ever listened to. It was season 1 of Serial, the OG true crime podcast by Sarah Koenig. Serial was an in-depth investigation by Koenig of a real case – the killing of American high school student, Hae Min Lee, and the conviction of Adnan Syed for her murder. It was groundbreaking listening and the evidence unearthed during the investigation led to a retrial for Syed, who by that time had served over 20 years in prison.

    Serial was recommended to me by my friend Helen and, like most listeners, I was gripped. I listened to it in a whole week on my commute to London, changing my mind about what happened, who was telling the truth, and who was guilty, about ten times an episode. Sometimes I found myself deliberately walking slowly to the office so that I could finish a whole episode before I got there. I’ve since recommended Serial to friends who have found it equally compelling. One friend even had to give up listening to it on the bus to work because he found himself so engrossed that he kept missing his stop!

    I’ve gotten really into podcasts since then. They keep me company in all sorts of situations. Listening to a podcast is a great distraction from the drudgery of housework. It’s also an ideal accompaniment to DIY – I find listening to music too distracting if I’m trying to concentrate on something, but I can paint for hours non-stop if I’m following a fascinating discussion or story. A good podcast is also perfect company on a commute to work, long travel journey or while doing tedious life admin like filing or shredding.

    A black and white photo of a man sitting at a station, listening to headphones. The man is wearing a dark hoodie and jeans and is looking away from the camera.
    Photo by Max Wolfs on Unsplash

    It’s International Podcast Day on 30 September so, to celebrate a phenomenon that has brought me many hours of top-notch earfood, I wanted to share some of my favourites with you. Read on for recommendations and some podcast episodes involving Kent!

    A note: I’ve included links to each podcast on Spotify, but you can find most of them on Apple podcasts, BBC Sounds, Acast and other streaming platforms.

  • Bison and Foxes and Bears, Oh My! Visiting wonderful Wildwood

    A bison at Wildwood.

    “Animals arrived, liked the look of the place, took up their quarters, settled down, spread and flourished. They didn’t bother themselves about the past – they never do; they’re too busy. The place was a bit humpy and hillocky, naturally, and full of holes; but that was rather an advantage.”

    Kenneth Grahame, ‘The Wind in the Willows’

    I’m trying to take a photo of a wallaby. It’s hiding in some tall grass, but I can see its furry ears and tail sticking out. There’s actually three wallabies in front of me, and they are doing a great job of making it almost impossible to get a decent picture. The weather is roasting hot, so two of them are sensibly sitting in the shade, and this third one is playing hide-and-seek with me. Patience is the key to good photography, but being a pale, red-haired Northerner, I can’t last more than five minutes in high heat without crumbling into dust. I settled for this silhouette photo of the wallaby in the grass, and headed to the nearest shade to recover.

    A wallaby hiding behind tall grass at Wildwood.
    A wallaby hiding behind tall grass at Wildwood.

    I know what you’re thinking. Wallabies and baking hot temperatures? She must have been in Australia!

    But I wasn’t. I was in Kent.

    That’s right, there are wallabies living in Kent.

    And bears. And bison. And wolves!

    And all of these animals live in the beautiful surroundings of Wildwood, near Canterbury.

  • The Nao Victoria: A maritime marvel comes to Medway

    “I was the first to sail around the globe,
    I am deservedly called Victoria,
    My sails are my wings,
    My reward, glory,
    My struggle, the sea.”

    Loose translation of a legend on Ortelius’s 1590 map showing the Nao Victoria.

    You know how sometimes you come across something and think, ‘Wow, what a cool job!’ Well, the crew of the Nao Victoria has a very cool job; sailing a replica of the first ship to circumnavigate the globe on a European tour. Doesn’t that sound great? Definitely more fun than sitting at a desk all day. The Nao Victoria has so far stopped at Great Yarmouth, Brixham and Plymouth, and last weekend, it made its first ever stop at Chatham Marina.

  • Our Feathered Friends in the North

    Me: “I might write a blog about the puffins. Working title: ‘Our Feathered Friends in the North’.”

    The Man of Kent: “I was thinking, ‘We’re off to see the puffins, the magical puffins of Farne.’ But ‘Our Feathered Friends in the North’ is good too.”

    Tynemouth, June 2024

    Pleasingly musical though the Man of Kent’s suggestion was, I decided to stick with my idea. He was on to something with the word ‘magical’ though.

    The scene of our conversation was Platform 2 craft ale bar at Tynemouth Metro station. The Man of Kent and I were on one of our regular pilgrimages to the North to visit our lovely family and friends there, and had stopped for a pre-dinner beverage. Usually we stay in Newcastle city centre but this time, we decided to stay in Tynemouth for a whole week, because it was June and the Man of Kent fancied a bit of summer at the seaside.

    [Brief aside – the collection of micropubs that live on the platforms at Tynemouth, Whitley Bay and Monkseaton metro stations delight the Man of Kent whenever we go to the North East coast. If you’re in the area, do try out the Left Luggage Room at Monkseaton and The Ticket Office at Whitley Bay, as well as Platform 2.]

    It was our last evening in Tynemouth, and we were talking about all the things we had done on our trip. One of the highlights had been our visit to the Farne Islands. Going to the Farne Islands to see the puffins had been a long-held ambition of the Man of Kent. Indeed, it was one of the things he was determined to do on this trip North. Normally I would hesitate to use the word ‘magical’ to describe something, preferring to reserve the word for things that truly deserve the meaning of it, but honestly? The puffins were exactly that. So today, here’s a whole post about the magical puffins of Farne.

  • Done: Deal – A handy guide to this beautiful seaside town

    “Sunny and bracing.”

    “It’s definitely sunny and bracing,” I said – or rather shouted – to the Man of Kent, as we walked along Deal pier, being shunted this way and that by the wind, cheeks buffed pink and noses streaming. On our left, iron grey storm clouds loomed ominously over the town; to the right, jewel-blue skies and bright March sunshine. It was almost all the weather all at once – or as some might say, a typical Spring day in England.

    We were in Deal to celebrate our anniversary. The weather was nippy on the Kent coast that weekend, but tropical compared to our wedding day in Northumberland eleven years ago, when the temperature was zero degrees Celsius and half the country was covered in snow. The conditions were a bit of a shock for the Southern contingent of wedding guests, who were not comforted by locals telling them that, “This time last year it was 20 degrees here.” We hold The Man of Kent’s Dad partly responsible for the arctic wedding weather. Upon being informed that we had set a date for March, he nodded and gravely remarked, “It has been known to snow in March.” Fate clearly heard that temptation, and couldn’t resist. On every wedding anniversary since, we’ve done something special to mark the occasion, regardless of weather.

    Deal is one of the prettiest seaside towns in Kent. It was once a fortified cinque port, an important part of England’s defences against invasion, and a favoured haunt of smugglers. Nowadays, it’s home to quirky independent shops, excellent restaurants and pubs, and a handful of unusual museums. There’s enough things to do to fill a couple of days, but not so many that you feel like you have to rush to cram everything in, making it ideal for a weekend getaway. Deal is super dog-friendly too; almost every shop and pub has a jar of dog treats on the counter for its canine customers.

    Posters from the golden age of travel painted Deal as an ideal holiday destination. Deal still lives up to those expectations today, with its gently bustling high street and seafront, and miles of gorgeous sea view. On a clear day, you can even see France from the pier! Its beautiful coastline has been painted by famous artists including L.S. Lowry and J.M.W Turner. The town has also featured in movies and hit TV dramas, including Liar, Vanity Fair, and The Electrical Life of Louis Wain.

    I’ve been to Deal three times now, and each trip has been a delight. If you’ve not been yet, here’s a little guide to things to do and places to go for food and drink. Enjoy!

  • Mr Kipling’s poem about Medway

    For, now De Ruyter’s topsails
       Off naked Chatham show,
    We dare not meet him with our fleet –
       And this the Dutchmen know!

    Rudyard Kipling, ‘The Dutch in the Medway’

    Happy World Poetry Day! What better time to do a spot of research into poems about Medway? I couldn’t think of any poems about Medway – or Kent for that matter – off the top of my head, but I was pleased to discover that its history has inspired many famous writers! Today, I’ve picked out a poem by Rudyard Kipling. This one sparked my interest because it’s about the Dutch raid on the River Medway in June 1667, which I’ve written about before.

  • Great places to eat on Watling Street

    An image of a pavement street sign that says 'Watling Street Sovereign Boulevard.'

    “Never eat more than you can lift.”

    Miss Piggy

    I am standing on a traffic island in the middle of Watling Street. I think I have achieved something almost impossible – being in two places at once. On this bit of Watling Street, one side is in Chatham, and the other is in Gillingham. So if my calculations are correct, my left foot is in Gillingham, and my right foot is in Chatham: two places at once. That’s just one of many interesting things about this apparently average road.

    Watling Street is a really long street – 276 miles long to be exact, stretching all the way from Dover to Anglesey in North Wales. It passes through many towns and cities, and has connections to Charles Dickens, James Bond and Star Wars. As John Higgs writes in his informative book, ‘Watling Street: Travels Through Britain and Its Ever-Present Past’, Watling Street is a road that is “simultaneously mundane and extraordinary.”

    A photo of the book, 'Watling Street - Travels through Britain and It's Ever-Present Past' by John Higgs. The cover is red and illustrated with an image containing pictures of Shakespeare, Robin Hood, traffic cones, a Welsh red dragon and a pigeon. There is a cup of tea in the background of the photo.
    ‘Watling Street – Travels through Britain and It’s Ever-Present Past’ by John Higgs

    Watling Street is also really old. According to some historians, it even pre-dates the Romans. The name Watling Street originated in the Dark Ages and comes from the word ‘Waecla’. Waecla was a local warlord whose people were known as the Waeclingas. According to John Higgs, the Waeclingas didn’t actually build the road we now know as Watling Street. It was just named after the Waeclingas because it ran through their territory. The original name of the road was “Waeclinga Straet”, which later became ‘Watling Street’. That’s the name you will still see used along many parts of the modern day road, including in Kent.

    Watling Street runs right through Medway, and the bit I know best is in Gillingham. Disappointingly, the Medway part of Watling Street gets scant coverage in John Higgs’ book, and Gillingham doesn’t even get a mention. But I think it’s worth talking about, so here we go.

  • A Most Wonderfully Suitable Book: ‘A Portrait of the River Medway’ by Roger Penn

    “I believe that during certain periods in our lives we are drawn to particular books—whether it’s strolling down the aisles of a bookshop with no idea whatsoever of what it is that we want to read and suddenly finding the most perfect, most wonderfully suitable book staring us right in the face. Unblinking… Books have the ability to find their own way into our lives.”

    Cecelia Ahern

    It’s amazing, the chance encounters you can have in bookshops.

    In December, I was in Barter Books in Alnwick.

    Alnwick is a town in Northumberland, probably most famous nowadays for being the home of the castle that’s used as Hogwarts in the Harry Potter movies – Alnwick Castle.

    A view of the exterior of Alnwick Castle on a cloudy day. The castle stands on a low grassy hill. The hill is dotted with trees and there is a river at the bottom.
    Alnwick Castle/Hogwarts, December 2023

    Barter Books is one of the best bookshops in the whole world.

    That’s not an exaggeration. Go there for yourself and you’ll see what I mean.

  • In the metropolis

    Illustration and extract from 'The Red-Headed League' by Arthur Conan Doyle on the platform wall at Baker Street Tube station.

    “It is a hobby of mine to have an exact knowledge of London.”

    Sherlock Holmes, ‘The Red-Headed League

    Unlike the world’s most famous consulting detective, my knowledge of London is far from exact. There are parts of London I know very well, and other parts I don’t know at all. Some of my knowledge is bang up-to-date; the rest is historic and reliant on memories of places that have moved on and changed without me. Because that’s the thing about London – it just will not stay still.

  • Santa’s Medway helper

    “Good haul this year,” he informed Harry through a cloud of paper. “Thanks for the Broom Compass, it’s excellent, beats Hermione’s — she’s got me a homework planner.”

    Ron Weasley, ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix’

    Last week, the Man of Kent and I were driving back from the shops, and I saw a house that had a Christmas tree up in the front room. It was 11 November. This week, my inbox is full of gift guides from various (book)shops and websites I like, some people I know have cracked open the boxes of mince pies, and I’ve already watched Bridget Jones’s Diary. Like it or not, the festive season is upon us. I had been thinking about a Christmas shopping post for a while, but seeing that tree last week was my signal to get a shuffle on. So, here we go.